I’m Clara, a networker and event planner. Between my background in hospitality management and years of event coordination, I handle the behind-the-scenes logistics with finesse. I serve others by taking away what is draining and freeing up time for what’s most important. If I’m not at a concert or spending time with friends, I’m probably at Target buying something for my rescue dog, Chloe.
Networker &
Event Planner
names people call me

When people think my business is a hobby, I tell them I’m a CEO of a six figure business.

Dog Mom
I haven’t had the opportunity to have children of my own but my dog Chloe is my baby. #dogmomsaremomstoo

Ohio State Buckeye
Forever born and raised in Ohio and forever will bleed scarlet and grey.

Trust when I say, I am NOT a model but I wear the title “Influencer” with tons of pride and I smile with my eyes like Tyra taught me to.

Only "ClareBear" to my closest friends — this nickname is reserved for people with a special place in my heart!

A term that makes me cringe, however, I have only a handful of family members that I allow to call me this.
You know what lights me up?
Being on a phone call with a friend or fellow entrepreneur and just hearing them say they now have CLARAity and less stress about this upcoming event. I love making people feel heard and appreciated, Sometimes, this journey gets hella lonely and our only friends are called Rachel & Monica because cue the binge-watching of F-R-I-E-N-D-S. If I can be that person for you to build you up when you feel down and support your networking and event planning dreams, then I’ll consider my job done.

Journey to the Crown!
Follow my pageant journey on Instagram: Ms. MidWest Prime 2023! To join the Pageant or to support me, click on the buttons below.
I'm an

Currently, I’m probably sipping coffee or a blue moon, thinking of ways I can support your networking and event planning dreams.

Get to know me!
1. If I could eat one food for the rest of my life, it would be:
2. Most likely to binge watch:
- The Office
- The Bachelor
- Big Brother
- Sex in the City
3. My drink of choice is:
- Old Fashioned
- Vodka Cranberry
- Blue Moon
- Moscule Mule
4. Someday I want to:
Be a mom
5. My go-to outfit is:
- Yoga Pants and Sports Bra
- Jeans and a graphic tee
- Onesie
- Dress
6. I am deathly afraid of:
- Birds
- Snakes
- Cats
- Bees
7. On my days off, the first thing I do is:
Get back to sleep
8. My friends describe me as:
- Bubbly
- A Unicorn
- Supportive
- Ambitious
- All of the above
9. Chloe makes me:
Spoil her
10. Dream travel location:
- New York City
- Australia
- Michigan
- Greece
I'd love to chat with you!
So I make sure your email goes to the right place, please use this form below: